Inactivity Equals Early Death

There has been countless studies about the negative effects of smoking. It is common knowledge that smoking can lead to an early death because of the numerous negative health effects it has on the body. These days, researchers are saying smoking is not the only bad habit that can lead to an early death, but so is being inactive.

Researchers at Harvard found that inactivity is the cause of one in 10 deaths worldwide. The findings published in The Lancet were particularly alarming.

The research team included investigators from 33 countries who analyzed data gathered in 2008 on deaths. They found that the "couch potato syndrome" adds up to six percent of all cases of coronary heart disease, about 7 percent of type 2 diabetes and 10 percent of breast and colon cancers.

Inactivity - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark The researchers estimated that if only 10 percent of those who are currently inactive started to exercise, 533,000 lives would be saved; if 25 percent began moving, 1.3 million deaths could be averted.

The recommended amount of exercise needed to maintain a steady amount of activity on a daily basis has been recommended to be about 30 minutes a day.

It is important to take time out of your day to get moving, it is essential for your overall health. Talk to your chiropractor about ways you can safely start incorporating more activity in your daily life.

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