Who Knew? Morning Sickness Is a Good Sign

By DCPI Staff

Morning sickness – nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, typically between the fourth and 16th week – is one of the more unpleasant aspects of carrying a child, but there's a serious upside: Research suggests it's a sign of a healthy pregnancy. According to a recent study, women who experienced nausea and vomiting cut their risk of a pregnancy loss (miscarriage) by more than half compared to women who did not experience any morning sickness.

The researchers speculate that the association between morning sickness and carrying the fetus safely to term may be attributable to a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin produced as the embryo is securely implanted in the womb. And these findings and to previous research suggesting morning sickness and fetal health are connected: A 2014 study found pregnancy women were less likely not only to miscarry, but also to deliver prematurely if they experienced morning sickness. What's more, their babies had fewer birth defects.

pills - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Pregnancy certainly isn't easy, but knowing one of the most unpleasant aspects, morning sickness, is a good sign may make it 1 percent easier to endure. Talk to your doctor for more information about pregnancy wellness and click here to learn what you can do before becoming pregnant to ensure a healthy pregnancy and child.

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