When It Comes to Weight Loss, Age Is Not a Barrier

By Editorial Staff

Convinced you can't lose weight because you're too old? Think again. Research suggests seniors – even obese ones – can lose weight as successfully as their younger peers.

A recent study compared two groups of obese patients who were grouped based on age: younger than 60 or ages 60 and older. All patients received the same exercise and lifestyle interventions tailored toward achieving weight loss; and spent approximately the same amount of time in the weight-loss program. Lifestyle interventions designed to promote weight loss included advice on dietary changes, psychological support and encouragement of physical activity.

senior - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark When the two groups were compared post-intervention, they were statistically equivalent in terms of weight loss, with patients ages 60 and older reducing body weight by 7.3 percent, on average, compared to 6.9 percent in patients younger than age 60. Reductions in body-mass index (BMI) were also similar between the two groups: 8.1 percent for members of the younger group vs. 7.8 percent for members of the older group. Study findings appear in a recent issue of the peer-reviewed research journal Clinical Endocrinology.

What's the morale to the story? It's never too late to lose weight! Ask your doctor for assistance designing a weight-loss program that's right for you.

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