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April 2011 [Volume 10, Issue 4]

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In this issue of To Your Health:

Iliosacral Pain You Can't Touch

As a practicing therapist, I know the anxiety one can feel to produce results during a therapy session. Throughout your career, clients will present you with iliosacral pain that is very sensitive to the touch.

Read the full article.

Past, Present, Future (Not the Ghosts of Christmas--But of ourselves!)

Let's do a mental exercise. Focusing on your health and wellness I would like for you to remember yourself as a 17-year-old high school student. Then, do a brief but honest self-assessment of your condition today.

Read the full article.

Obesity and Childbirth

It's a sad fact that Americans are growing fatter every year as obesity rates are increasing faster than originally estimated. I am not referring to a few extra pounds or the pleasantly plump silhouette, but rather the serious health risks involved in carrying excessive weight.

Read the full article.

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