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July 2011 [Volume 10, Issue 7]

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In this issue of To Your Health:

The Most Common Shoulder Injury

To Your HealthWhat is the most common shoulder injury in people under the age of 40? The answer is the subscapularis muscle, the strongest of the four rotator cuff muscles. This muscle helps you open a jar, hug someone, lift things, clap your hands, throw a ball and complete the forehand and serving actions in tennis. Learn to request the primary assessment test to see if you suffer from this common injury.

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A Common Problem for New Moms and Professional Athletes

To Your HealthThe softening, stretching, and weakening of the linea alba of the rectus abdominis and the subsequent lateral widening of the rectus muscles are generally, considered to be caused by pregnancy. This pressure against the connective tissue causes a separation called a "diastasis." However, world-class athletes can also suffer from this condition because of incorrect abdominal exercises.

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Massage Therapists Team with Pediatric Cardiology Professionals

This research was a collaborative effort between massage therapists, a pediatric cardiologist and other staff at the UCLA Medical Center in California. With a common interest in improving the quality of life for children with congenital heart disease (CHD), this research was conducted to determine if massage therapy could improve exercise performance and heart and lung function.

Read the full article.

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