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September 2009 [Volume 8, Issue 9]

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In this issue of To Your Health:

Defy the Odds with Massage

Christopher Starman, LMT, shares his rigorous journey across the country while he traveled with a remarkable team of cyclists in Race Across America.

Massage therapy can take you places that surprise, invite and inspire. But when you dream of all the places that your career can take you, most of those dreams probably do not include a gravel parking lot outside of a United States Border Patrol checkpoint near Brawley, Calif., a diner parking lot in Sullivan, Ind., a gas station in Gormania, W.Va. or traveling thousands of miles in a beat up RV across the country. For the past two summers that is exactly what I have done, traveling across the country with a team of bicyclists as they compete in the Race Across America. Race Across America is one of the toughest bicycle races in the world. It's a difficult challenge for any team, but the members of this team of eight also have type 1 diabetes. Maintenance of blood sugar and stamina is not only essential for the competition, but for their lives.

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The Gluten Effect: How Gluten Sensitivity Can Disrupt Your Hormones and Your Life

Current estimates state that 40 percent of the population is effected in some way by gluten, found in many food products from bread to salad dressings. In serious cases, gluten intolerance or celiac disease can lead to malnutrition, anemia, osteoporosis and other major health problems. Dr. Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN explains what the gluten effect is and what you can do to address it.

When we talk about the gluten effect, we're basically talking about how gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, can have far-reaching negative effects upon your health. If you're suffering from obesity to fatigue, depression to headaches, arthritis to digestive problems, gluten sensitivity may very well be at the root of your symptoms. Gluten can also affect your hormonal health by stressing the adrenal glands, causing adrenal fatigue and a number of hormone-related health problems.

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Fitting Proper Nutrition and Exercise into a Busy Life

You can find many reasons or "excuses" why your busy life makes it difficult to take care of yourself when it comes to eating healthy or finding time to exercise daily. However, getting the proper daily nutrition and exercise we need is not as difficult as you might think. With the busy lifestyle we have, we cannot overlook the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity.

Most of us have busy days with our work schedules, kids and household obligations. For all too many of us, eating right and getting exercise often takes a back seat to everything else that we have going on. So, if you find yourself falling into this category, then here are some simple ideas for fitting a little exercise and proper nutrition into your working day.

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