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July 2010 [Volume 9, Issue 7]

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In this issue of To Your Health:

Pompeian Massage Cream History

From 1990 to 2009, Judi and Robert Calvert, founders of the World of Massage Museum, scoured hundreds of antique stores looking for objects related to the history of massage. They were delighted to discover several well-preserved Pompeian ads and products, complete with cream inside the jars. They added all the items they found to their extensive collection so that Pompeian Massage Cream could live on in massage history. Judi Calvert brings her wealth of knowledge of the history of massage in this first article of her Massage Today column, Massage History Ambassador.

Read the full article.

The Science of Sustained Nutrition

We eat for so many reasons - because we are happy, to reward ourselves, to relieve stress; sometimes simply because we are bored. With food being involved in so many aspects of our daily lives, it is easy to forget the real reason why we need to eat: to provide fuel for our body. In today's busy world, many of us are plagued by low energy and constant stress. Unfortunately, this can often lead to poor food choices that can further impair our energy levels. The foods you eat throughout the day can help maintain energy as well as enhance your ability to cope with stress. By pairing the correct foods at the right times, you can enjoy the benefits of sustained energy throughout the day.

Read the full article.

Research: Sport, Pelvic Pain and Associated Symptoms

There is abundant research linking pelvic pain, and associated urinary tract symptoms, with various sporting activities. The studies reported on in this brief review are offered as a caution - particularly against excessive training and sport in early life. In contrast however, with a few notable exceptions, evidence largely supports the benefits of athletic activities, and the negative long-term effects of inactivity.

Read the full article.

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