To Your Health
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September 2010 [Volume 9, Issue 9]

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In this issue of To Your Health:

Back to Basics: Understanding Back Pain

Despite the amount of information available on the Internet these days, many people still do not have the proper facts on back pain. Perhaps it's due to information overload or just misinformation. Regardless of the reason, there are too many people suffering from back pain and not enough understanding of the causes and potential solutions. Dr. Jasper Sidhu clears up some of the confusion by looking at the basics of back pain in the following article.

Know Your Numbers

Teresa M. Matthews, health and fitness expert, discusses some important numbers that we should all be aware of in order to maintain a healthy life.

You've heard the term "wake-up call". All too often we hear our friends or relatives say they have had a "wake-up call" after they have experienced some sort of serious health condition. I heard this comment after someone I know had a heart attack. My message to you this month is to know your numbers (understand them) and have your "wake-up call" before encountering a heart attack or stroke.

Read the full article.

Healthy Up Your Diet

We're in a war, pure and simple, and the majority of Americans are losing it. We're fighting formidable opponents including the fast-food industry, the soft drink manufacturers, and any company that mass-produces processed and preservative-, artificial ingredient-laden food. It's time to healthy up your diet and shift the balance of food power. Are you ready to make healthier choices for a healthier life? It's not as hard as you think.

Read the full article.

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