To Your Health To Your Health
To Your Health To Your Health To Your Health
December 8, 2015 - Volume 9, Issue 25
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Whether it's the end-of-year deadlines at work, the mad rush to get your holiday shopping done (and the financial burden therein), the hectic one-party-after-another schedule or other factors, the holidays can increase your stress levels exponentially. Here's how to de-stress the holidays and enjoy the end of the year (and beginning of the new one) stress free.

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Health News

Sitting down to the table for a family meal isn't what it used to be, and evidence suggests the consequences are frightening. In fact, children are significantly more likely to engage in a variety of unhealthy behaviors when the family meal isn't a regular occurrence in their home. Here's what you can do.

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Various factors have distrupted the delicate balance of bacteria within the gut, but balancing the digestive tract and repopulating it with good bacteria is as simple as incorporating a few gut-friendly foods in your diet. Try adding these five foods to your daily diet starting today if your gut's in a rut.

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Think "sugar free" means safe for your teeth? Not according to recent research that evaluated how sugar-free beverages impact dental health. In fact, in the most recent study, nearly every sugar-free soft drink, sports drink and beverage tested led to tooth decay. Learn more about the danger of "sugar free" here.

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Did You Know?

Women who suffer moderate to severe PMS may be at risk for high blood pressure later in life.

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How can you avoid sitting too much and standing too little at work? Here's how.

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