To Your Health To Your Health
To Your Health To Your Health To Your Health
June 20, 2017 - Volume 11, Issue 13
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Chronic pain is front and center these days now that the opioid crisis – the wrong way to manage pain – has been exposed. The reason for this increased emphasis isn't just because opioids have been proven often unnecessary and frequently dangerous, if not deadly, for treating pain; it's also because pain, particularly chronic pain, can be just as dangerous / deadly if not addressed.

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Health News

People like to blame refined-food companies for our bad health, but no one is forcing you to eat refined calories and support industries that subsequently benefit. This is a voluntary choice made by the majority of Americans. Simply put, we need to make better choices. Here's a list of things you can do.

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Breastfeeding may be one of the healthiest things a mom can do, with health benefits gained by both mother and child. While the benefits to baby include reduced risk of infection and SIDS, research continues to support benefits for the mother that even include protection against certain forms of cancer.

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When kids go off to college, you can only hope the sleep routines you taught them survive late-night study sessions, dorm-room parties and other activities. But even if college students manage to get enough sleep, their grades may still take a hit if their sleep patterns are irregular, suggests research.

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Did You Know?

Check out a few of the recommended injury-prevention exercises from FIFA ("FIFA 11+") that apply to all athletes, not just soccer players.

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For women enduring the symptoms of menopause, obesity can make those distressing, debilitating symptoms even worse.

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The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. MPA Media is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.