To Your Health To Your Health
To Your Health To Your Health To Your Health
July 18, 2017 - Volume 11, Issue 15
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Back pain is bothersome enough when it only lasts a short time; when it keeps coming back or doesn't go away, it can change your life. Of course, that's where spinal adjustments by your chiropractor can help. But your chiropractor's probably told you other things can help, particularly in conjunction with spinal adjustments. Exercise is one of them, and research continues to prove it.

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Health News

In recent years, we have been told to increase consumption of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Unlike other types of fats, the human body cannot manufacture these fats on their own and need to be consumed in the diet. Let's examine these fats and why their ratio is critical when it comes to chronic disease.

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OK, let's make heart health simple, particularly if you're getting up in years and are a bit worried (since heart problems generally take awhile to manifest): The more of these seven behaviors you adopt, the more likely you are to a) live longer; b) suffer fewer heart attacks and strokes – no matter how old you are.

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Concussions can cause symptoms including memory loss, headaches, dizziness / balance issues, and more. And in the long term, growing evidence suggests they may be connected to cognitive decline. But here's a symptom you probably didn't consider: menstrual irregularities in young women.

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Did You Know?

There's a great deal of misinformation out there regarding exercise. Let's fix that now. It's time to get the most out of your workout.

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New research suggests even people who don't get adequate sleep during the week can compensate for it and protect their health.

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The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. MPA Media is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.