To Your Health To Your Health
To Your Health To Your Health To Your Health
September 11, 2018 - Volume 12, Issue 19
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Sleeping fewer or more than seven hours a night? We don't just mean what time you hit the sheets and what time you rise and shine; we mean overall hours spent sleeping, not tossing and turning. If you're consistently getting fewer or more than seven hours, you could be making your heart older. That's significant because the older your heart is, the greater your chances of developing heart disease.

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Health News

Want to avoid dying prematurely from heart disease? One way is to keep your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the safe range. It's known as the "bad" cholesterol, and it gets that moniker because unlike the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) variety, LDL cholesterol can build up on the walls of your arteries and do damage.

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Breastfeeding provides numerous health benefits to the child including a reduced risk of asthma and allergies and a stronger immune system. It also benefits the mother, helping her lose pregnancy weight, lowering the risk of breast and ovarian cancer – and even reducing the risk of suffering a stroke.

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Young or old, fitness buff or bookworm; just about everyone would love it if their stomach looked a little flatter, leaner and more toned. Proper nutrition and exercise will help burn away the fat, but that's not enough. Ab exercises target the underlying muscles, giving you the look you've always wanted. Here's a routine that can't be beat.

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Did You Know?

Are teens starting to recognize and solve their own cellphone addictions? Yes, according to new data from the Pew Research Center.

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Maintaining a healthy heart when you're in your 20s can give you a healthy brain when you're in your 40s.

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The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. MPA Media is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information.