To Your Health
December, 2011 (Vol. 05, Issue 12)
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Active Mind, Healthy Body

What is the best to keep a sound mind as we age? The answer is to engage in numerous leisure activities such as reading, playing board games, playing musical instruments, and dancing. All of these activities were associated with a reduced risk of dementia in numerous recent studies.

And while physical activity is important, mental activity is apparently more important.

Leisure activities associated with a reduced risk of dementia in many recent studies were apparently more important in that "a one-point increment in the cognitive-activity score was significantly associated with a reduced risk of dementia, but a one-point increment in the physical-activity score was not," according to researchers.

The reduction in risk was related to the frequency of participation in cognitive activities. In another study, the risk of dementia was 47% lower in subjects who did crossword puzzles four days per week than in those who did them once weekly.

Involvement in cognitive leisure can help you keep an active mind and a healthy body as you age. Ask your chiropractor about safe leisure activities you can engage in to improve your health.