October 25, 2011 [Volume 5, Issue 21]
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In this issue of To Your Health:
Nourish Your Brain
Nothing Sweet About Artificial Sugar
Are You Stretching the Wrong Way? Try The Right Way

Nourish Your Brain

TYH image The aging process takes enough of a toll on the human body without having the mind share the same fate. As we age, the brain is susceptible to various degenerative processes, from simple lapses in memory and concentration to outright cognitive decline or Alzheimer's. Fortunately, there are simple ways to keep your brain healthy into your golden years. Here are three brain boosters to keep you on your mental toes:

Feed It: Your brain needs sound nutrition to function optimally. The outer membrane of brain cells requires a constant supply of fatty acids. That's where omega-3s can help. Choline, a B vitamin present in high amounts in eggs, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, wheat germ and tofu, may also be important for brain neurotransmitter function while benefiting mood and mental performance.

Exercise It: Research suggests consistent physical activity can help people maintain memory and cognitive function as they age. According to at least one study, the exercise necessary to achieve brain benefits involved simple activities such as walking, gardening, cooking and cleaning. Another recent study showed that after a year of lifting weights twice a week, elderly women performed significantly better on tests of mental processing compared to women who participated in a balancing and toning program instead.

Challenge It: In a sense, if you don't challenge your brain, stagnation can set it, leading to all sorts of problems over time. The solution is simple, research suggests: challenge your brain. How? Try crossword puzzles, chess, word problems or other strategies to keep your brain alert and engaged. The moral is simple: Take care of your mind and your mind will do the same for you.

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Nothing Sweet About Artificial Sugar

TYH image With worldwide obesity rates doubling in the past three decades, is it any surprise that artificial sweeteners have been gaining popularity? Beginning with the creation of saccharin, "sugar substitutes" have become the answer to a dieter's prayer.

Have your cake and eat it, too; it's a dream come true. Or is it? Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular sugars on the market and how they are affecting your health.

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Are You Stretching the Wrong Way? Try The Right Way

TYH image How would you like to increase coordination, reduce muscle tension, increase range of motion, prevent future injury, improve posture, develop body awareness, and enhance proper movement patterns?

The good news is you can, by incorporating active isolated stretching (AIS) techniques and principles into your exercise / wellness routine. Follow these steps to bump up your stretching routine.

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