Take It on the Road
Travel season is around the corner, bringing ample opportunity to eat out, sleep in and completely disregard your daily diet and fitness regimens. This summer, don't leave good health at home – take it on the road.
Day 1: The Voyage Begins
Day one of vacation is usually spent traveling. When you arrive at your destination, try to adjust to local time as quickly as possible to minimize the effects of jet lag. Give yourself one day to adjust and be sure to schedule outdoor, physical activities that day.
Days 2 and 3: Take in the Sights
Most summer vacation spots offer all types of aerobic activities, such as bike riding, tennis, golf and hiking. If you were in good shape when you left for vacation, you don't want to lose the results of all that hard work. By some accounts, you can lose 15 percent of your aerobic power in just one week, 20 percent in two weeks and up to 25 percent in three weeks.
Days 4 and 5: Taste the Flavors
Nothing says vacation like good food. Just remember: Everything in moderation. If you can avoid eating out by buying your own healthy snacks – fruits, vegetables, yogurts, granola – try to limit yourself to one meal out per day on vacation.
Day 6: Back to Reality
Your impending return home means getting back to housework, cooking meals, school schedules, and worst of all, work! In order to get back into a healthy routine as quickly as possible, try to allow one day at home before returning to work for running errands, resting and stocking up on healthy meal options.
Letting go of your worries is part of the allure of vacation. But letting go of your health should not be an option. By building healthy foods and physical activity into each day of your vacation, you will make the most of your travel time and your continuing efforts to stay healthy. Your doctor of chiropractic can help outline a sensible diet and exercise program for travel season and all year long.
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Superfoods to Save the Day
It is an age-old truth that eating fruits and vegetables improves health. But not all produce is created equal. Meet the superheroes of produce: superfoods, which offer superior disease-fighting capabilities, boost the immune system, fight fatigue, and much more.
Here are 10 important "superfoods" to add to your daily diet:
- Sprouts (e.g., broccoli, brussels)
- Pomegranate
- Barley
- Green foods (e.g., wheat grass)
- Buckwheat (seed and grain)
- Beans and lentils
- Hot peppers
- Nuts and seeds
- Turmeric
- Allium family (e.g., garlic, onions, chives)
Superfoods are nature's "designer foods," and they're available now. They contain a whopping dose of health-promoting compounds. They also have a high concentration of protein, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals – all contained in one tiny package. Eating superfoods every day may be the best health insurance you can get to prevent cancer, protect the blood vessels and heart, boost the immune system, and fight the ravages of aging. That's why many chiropractors recommend that their patients take a superfood supplement every day. Today's food is tomorrow's natural prescription. Talk to your doctor of chiropractic about the benefits of superfoods.
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Fat on the Inside
Thin may be in, but flabby is definitely out. Some doctors now believe the fat surrounding organs such as the heart, liver and pancreas may be as dangerous as the fat you can see from the outside.
Based on MRI scans of more than 800 people since 1994, Dr. J. Bell, a professor of molecular imaging in London, and his team found that as many as 45 percent of the women and nearly 60 percent of the men with normal body mass index (BMI) scores had excessive internal fat. The data suggests that if you maintain your weight through diet rather than exercise, you may have large deposits of internal fat, even if you are thin.
According to the BMI, a measurement comparing your weight and height, you are considered overweight with a score of 25 to 29, and obese at 30 or higher. But a recent study indicates that some people with a BMI approaching 28 actually have little body fat, and people with a BMI as low as 24 may have too much. (Don't know your BMI? Check out the BMI Calculator at www.toyourhealth.com.)
When it comes to your health, experts say there is no shortcut. "If you just want to look thin, then maybe dieting is enough," Bell said. "But if you want to actually be healthy, then exercise has to be an important component of your lifestyle." So, no matter what your body type or weight, get out and exercise!
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