To Your Health is the leading source of alternative health news and wellness education information serving holistic minded patients

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The To Your Health E-Newsletter: Reach, Remind and Educate

TYH Newsletter SampleYou know the benefits of well-informed patients:

  • They recognize the value of chiropractic and keep their appointments.
  • They understand wellness and have made wellness living a part of their lives.
  • They talk about you and the benefits of chiropractic to their friends, family and co-workers.

Every two weeks, your To Your Health patient email newsletter will be sent to your patients with 5-6 short articles about the benefits of chiropractic and wellness. Each article is specifically written for chiropractic patients and references the research supporting it if necessary. Once the mailing is completed, you will receive an email report informing you of the number of emails sent.

As you can see by the example above, your patient email newsletter features your photograph (for most non-AOL patients) and contact information about your practice. This constantly reminds your patients about the benefits you offer through chiropractic, and lets them forward your e-newsletter to friends and family.

In addition, you can send your e-newsletter to an unlimited number of patients – and potential patients. Some DCs are already sending it to hundreds of people in their community, regardless of whether they are current patients. They just put the subscription sheet in public places and let people subscribe to this fantastic free service.

Here are the benefits of the To Your Health e-newsletter to you and your practice:

  • An unlimited number of patient emails can be added to your account list – all email addresses receive the newsletter you receive.
  • Your photograph and contact information are included at the top right of the newsletter.
  • The newsletter is emailed every two weeks to your patients and other subscribers, reinforcing your message of health and wellness.
  • You can add/update patients/subscribers whenever you like.
  • Your referral opportunities grow as patients forward your e-mail newsletter to family, friends and co-workers.
  • As an added bonus, your practice information is included in the email newsletter to consumer subscribers in your community.
  • The newsletter serves as a broadcast email tool for communicating other information to patients, such as appointment reminders, office updates or product information.
  • You receive all the above for only $12.95 per month.

Reach, remind and educate with MPA Media’s To Your Health e-newsletter.

For more information, please call us at 714-230-3197 or 800-324-5478 or fill out the form below for us to contact you.

Please note that does not share, rent or sell e-mail
information with anyone. For more information, please see our
privacy policy.

Please Note: Field names in this color are required.

First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail Address:
Phone Number:
How did you hear about us?:

Upon submission our TYH customer support representative will contact you within the next 48 hrs. Thank you.

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