To Your Health
November, 2009 (Vol. 03, Issue 11)
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Gelatin is a form of hydrolyzed collagen commonly used in foods. It has long been reported that consuming gelatin can improve the structure and health of the skin, hair and nails. Indeed, proline, glycine and hydroxproline are the main amino acids in gelatin and collagen - and the skin, hair and nails. However, certain simple chains of amino acids called collagen peptides, sourced from gelatin, appear more promising. Collagen and elastin are often incorporated into cosmetics, but neither collagen nor elastin is able to penetrate the skin.

A Healthy Skin Strategy: Five Take-Home Points

  • Stay well hydrated throughout the day and particularly during exercise and when the weather is dry.
  • Avoid excess drying of the skin, which can be caused by detergent cleansers, sun and wind.
  • Minimize ultraviolet (UV) exposure.
  • Consume a variety of antioxidants and omega-3 fats with food and/or supplementation.
  • Topically apply all-natural moisturizers containing antioxidants, sterols and healing peptides.

Recipes for Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Although consuming nutrients that support healthy skin appears to be more important than topical applications, the best results seem to come from combining oral and topical applications. The following recipe and mask are rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, probiotics and/or peptides known to support skin health.

Smooth Skin Smoothie

Beautiful skin with smoothie - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark The Basic Recipe: Mix 8-12 ounces of green tea with one scoop of a greens powder and 1 tablespoon flax seed.

  • Option 1: Add I scoop of whey protein with colostrum, which not only adds skin healthy peptides, but also makes the smoothie more of a meal replacement.
  • Option 2: Add 4 ounces of low-fat, high-active-culture yogurt to add friendly microorganisms (probiotics) that are good for the skin.
  • Option 3: Add a packet ( tsp) of  plain gelatin 9 hydrolized collagen to add the amino acid building blocks  of all connective tissue (joints, skin, hair , nails).

Refreshing Nano Facial Mask

Beautiful skin with facial mask - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Mix the following ingredients in small bowl:

  • ¼ teaspoon of a greens powder
  • ¼ teaspoon whey protein with colostrum
  • 1 tablespoon plain organic yogurt

After cleansing and drying your face, generously brush on your face, neck & top of your hands with facial brush or fingers. Let set for 20-30 minutes and shower off, or use a warm towel to whip off.

John Maher, DC, is a chiropractor in current practice in Valley Center, Calif. He is also director of education and research for Nutragen, a nutritional supplement company.