To Your Health January, 2018 (Vol. 12, Issue 01) |
Healthy Eating Makes Kids Happier
By Editorial Staff
A happy, healthy child – isn't that what every parent wants? Fortunately, there's a way to help accomplish both simultaneously! Here's how Science Daily summarized findings of a recent study published in BMC Public Health: "Healthy eating is associated with better self-esteem and fewer emotional and peer problems, such as having fewer friends or being picked on or bullied, in children regardless of body weight, according to a new study. Inversely, better self-esteem is associated with better adherence to healthy eating guidelines."
The study examined eating habits, self-esteem and emotional / peer interaction in more than 7,500 children ages 2-9. Higher Health Dietary Adherence Scores at the beginning of the study equated to better self-esteem and less emotional / peer problems several years later. Children were assigned initial dietary scores based on parental reporting of child food consumption, including how often their children ate certain foods. In particular, high consumption of fruits and vegetables was associated with better mental / emotional health.
Healthy eating isn't just for your physical health; your emotional and mental health benefit, too! And those benefits are no more important than for our children. After all, a happy, health child sets the stage for a happy, healthy adult! Talk to your doctor to learn more.