To Your Health
August, 2023 (Vol. 17, Issue 08)
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Green Tea for Fibroids

By Editorial Staff

Uterine fibroids are common – an estimated 77 percent of women will develop them in their lifetime. They are usually benign (non-cancerous) and often asymptomatic, but can sometimes (approximately 25% of cases) cause serious pain and other complications (including infertility) if left untreated.

In fact, uterine fibroids are one of the primary reasons women undergo hysterectomy – removal of the uterus.

Green tea to the rescue. Research suggests epigallocatechin (EGCG), an antioxidant compound in green tea, is important in treating and preventing uterine fibroids. Researchers treated human fibroid cells (taken from a patient who ultimately underwent hysterectomy) with EGCG extract in a laboratory setting. After 24 hours, cells treated with the extract displayed significantly reduced levels of two proteins (fibronectin and connective-tissue growth factor) important in fibroid cell growth compared to untreated cells (46-52% and up to 86% lower levels, respectively). The extract also disrupted pathways that are important in fibroid tumor cell growth, movement, signaling and metabolism.

While the researchers designed their study as a way to assess whether EGCG extract (taken as a supplement) can positively impact uterine fibroids, green tea is the dietary source of this antioxidant compound, which has also been associated with prostate health (including prostate cancer prevention and treatment) and other benefits. That means for both men and women, green tea is the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory beverage you should be drinking every day!*

*Green tea contains caffeine, but only about half (30-50 mg per cup) of that found in coffee (80-100 mg per cup).