To Your Health
February, 2024 (Vol. 18, Issue 02)
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Sugary Drink Dangers

By Editorial Staff

You should be well-aware by now of the negative health consequences associated with sugary drink consumption, particularly if you do it more than occasionally (no, drinking a can of soda daily is more than occasionally). Today, we're talking not about an increased risk of cavities, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or other health issues; we're focusing on the fact that even exercise doesn't seem to counter the damage drinking sugary beverages can do.

Cardiovascular disease is the world's leading cause of death, and sugar-sweetened beverages are the #1 source of added sugars in the North American diet. That's a bad combination, to say the least. While the benefits of exercise on health are profound and supported by a large body of research, a new study has found that adults who drink sugar-sweetened beverages more than twice a week have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease – regardless of how much they exercise. Physical activity reduces the risk, but not enough to counter the negative effects of sugary beverage consumption.

How often do you drink sugary beverages? (Remember, "sugar-sweetened" means sugar has been added to the drink, vs. 100% fruit juices, etc., that contain natural sugar only). After learning about these study findings, there's no better reason to cut back or completely eliminate (gradually, if necessary) sugary drinks from your diet. Your heart will thank you for it.

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