To Your Health
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Winter’s Coming

Six great ways to stay healthy this holiday season.

by Foot Levelers

Rehab by Foot Levelers. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Foot Levelers created Backsys®, Necksys® and Thera-Ciser™ with your total body health in mind. These rehab units combined with simple exercises can help relieve pain, making sure you get better faster. Take the first step to a healthy lifestyle. Ask your doctor about Backsys®, Necksys® and Thera-Ciser™ and visit for more information.

Calcifood, Ostrophin PMG, and Cataplex D Provide Enhanced Bone Support by Standard Process. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Calcifood®, Ostrophin PMG®, and Cataplex® D Provide Enhanced Bone Support
by Standard Process

Bones need calcium and vitamin D to reach peak bone mass and prevent bone loss. Our whole food supplements provide these plus other important nutrients for proper calcium absorption and bone building. Find out more by calling 800-848-5061 or visiting

Therapro Multi-Purpose Cream by - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Therapro Multi-Purpose Cream
by Massage

Give your skin the nourishment it needs every day with Therapro Multi Purpose Cream. We have created the ultimate in skin-quenching creams by adding natural Avocado and Jojoba. Take it from the people who know skin, make this cream a daily part of your skin reviving ritual. Visit us at or call 800-910-9955.

Migraspray® Migraine Relief
Migraspray Migraine Relief by Nature Well. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark by Nature Well

MigraSpray is a homeopathic medicine sold through chiropractic offices that provides comprehensive, safe and effective migraine relief. It is administered under the tongue and is highly effective for the rapid treatment of migraine attack and, if used daily, may dramatically reduce or eliminate the onset of chronic migraine. Visit us at or call 800-454-6790.

BodySport FitnessBalls
BodySport FitnessBalls by Meyer Distributing Company. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark by Meyer Distributing Company

BodySport® FitnessBalls strengthen, stretch and tone all your major muscle groups, and improve your flexibility, balance and coordination. They feature a gently ridged surface for better grip, include an air pump and come with an illustrated exercise guide. Ask your chiropractor about ordering BodySport® FitnessBalls from Meyer Distributing Company today!

Femenessence™ Dietary Supplement
Femenessence Dietary Supplement by Natural Health International. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark by Natural Health International

Femenessence™ is a clinically proven product for post and peri/premenopause, reducing hot flashes, mood swings and night sweats. USDA organically certified and 100% natural, it balances ALL hormones by stimulating a woman's own hormone production ... and nothing is more natural than your own hormones. Ask your doctor and visit to learn how Femenessence™ can help you.

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