To Your Health
February, 2008 (Vol. 02, Issue 02)
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If you are a beginner or have an injury, utilizing exercise bands and balls is a great way to develop function at a low intensity. You can increase the resistance in the bands as you start to improve. If you cannot perform between 10-12 reps with good form, the resistance is too much and should be reduced to a more manageable level.

3. Cardiovascular Training

Cardiovascular exercise involves the heart and lungs, and is critical in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are a few things to consider when doing cardio: which exercise is selected and the frequency, duration and intensity of the exercise.

A stationary exercise bicycle. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark There are many types of equipment that will give you a great cardio workout - the treadmill, stair climber, elliptical and bicycle. It is recommended that you engage in some form of cardio just about every day. The duration can vary, with a minimum of 30 minutes for each session. It is always prudent to start off slow and increase your intensity as you become more fit. The elliptical is good for anyone who has a knee injury because it provides a low-impact workout. The treadmill, stair climber and bicycle can be used at many different intensity levels. For example, by raising the speed and incline on the treadmill, you increase the intensity of the workout. Increasing the speed with the stair climber and increasing the resistance on the bike and elliptical are great ways to intensify your workout.

Even though you should do cardio every day (even a brisk walk), limit intense cardio training to only 2-3 times per week. When doing high-intensity interval training, spinning or heavy-duty elliptical work, your body can cross the anaerobic threshold and can no longer metabolize blood lactate fast enough. The blood lactate level rises suddenly, resulting in a buildup that is detrimental to muscle tissue, function and recovery. If recovery time is not sufficient, you are overtraining, which is counterproductive.

Two women doing stomach exercises on exercise balls. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Because our office is in a health club, we have seen it all. People in general don't have a clue as to what to do. That's why it is important to seek some professional advice before starting any fitness routine. You could have postural imbalances (like one shoulder or hip higher on one side or having your head far out in front of the rest of your body). By working out on weight machines, you end up creating more of an imbalance because the stronger muscles get stronger and the weak muscles get weaker. This leads to poor results, frustration and eventually quitting and giving up on something that is so important to maintain good health.

No matter what your goals are, start off slow. Use resistance bands and stability balls, and then progress to free weights. Then you can utilize the weight machines to define certain areas. Most of all, have fun exercising. Change your routine often - it is good for your body and it also prevents boredom. Even when doing your cardio workouts, change from the bike to the elliptical to the stair climber to the treadmill. Remember, the real secret is to eat less and exercise more.

Daniel J. Cruoglio, DC, has been in practice for 27 years. He is a senior coach for a chiropractic coaching company and a director of a multidisciplinary clinic which integrates chiropractic along with active care and exercise, located in Brick, N.J.