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3 Ways to Diet Right

Hand - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Frequency

While there's some debate over whether frequency of meals impacts metabolism, it makes perfect sense that the more small meals you eat, the less chance you'll feel starved and overeat. Eating frequently also provides your body with a steady supply of energy to burn throughout the day. Too much energy (calories) at one time increases the likelihood of it being stored as fat.


Pie in plate - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Many diets fail because they require people to deprive themselves of the foods they're accustomed to eating. This isn't to say you can keep eating the same amounts and same types of foods, especially not if they're the high-fat, empty-calorie variety. It's all about moderation: incorporating healthier options into your daily diet while allowing for the occasional small splurge.


Clock - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Your body tends to slow down at night, which can affect digestion and metabolism. Slower digestion and metabolism means your body isn't processing the food you've just eaten at a normal rate (and in general, doesn't need nearly as much of it for energy at night vs. during the day, when you're much more active). The potential result? More calories stored as fat, rather than utilized by the body.