To Your Health
April, 2014 (Vol. 08, Issue 04)
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E-Cigarettes: How Safe Are They?

With significant differences in manufacturing practices and the fact that they have only been on the market for a short period of time, little is known about the impact of e-cigarettes on health.

A report from the American Medical Association had this to say:

"Because E-cigarettes have not been thoroughly tested, one cannot conclude that they do not produce any harmful products, even if they produce fewer dangerous substances than conventional cigarettes. In fact, analysis of two brands of e-cigarettes found detectable levels of known carcinogens and toxic chemicals (i.e., diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze, small amounts of tobacco-specific nitrosamines, and certain other tobacco-specific impurities that may be harmful).

e-cigarettes - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark To date, most research on e-cigarette ingredients, safety, health effects, and use by current smokers has been funded by manufacturers."

Consumers will want to steer clear of e-cigarettes until manufacturing standards are established and there is sufficient data to better understand the potential health risks.