When Gain Means Pain
By Editorial Staff
The potential health consequences of obesity include diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and that's just for starters.
What's worse, even if you manage to avoid those health risks, a recent study suggests life won't be roses if you're carrying significant extra weight. According to research published in the
Journal of Pain, obesity is associated with multi-site lower-body joint pain. Specifically, 26.3 percent of obese participants reported joint pain at two sites; and 31.6 percent reported pain at three sites. Only 20 percent of obese participants reported no joint pain.
If you're struggling with your weight, talk to your doctor. As a health care provider, it's their job to help you tackle the issue head on; after all, it's a health issue that can have major consequences. And remember, in the vast majority of cases, proper diet and consistent exercise are fundamental principles to help you achieve a healthy, long-term weight – not medication, surgical procedures or other "quick fixes." Why? Because in general, the latter may address the weight, but they won't address the underlying lifestyle issues that promoted weight gain in the first place.