To Your Health
August, 2019 (Vol. 13, Issue 08)
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It's Time to Clock Out

By Editorial Staff

A great work ethic is impressive, but at some point, we all have to "clock out," go home, enjoy our free time, and recharge and renew. Otherwise, we risk getting burned out, worn down ... and suffering the health consequences.

Case in point: New research links longer hours spent at work with an increased risk of suffering a stroke. According to the study, published in Stroke, a research journal produced by the American Heart Association, working at least 10 hours a day for 50 days or more per year increases stroke risk by nearly 30 percent compared to working fewer hours. The study, which evaluated time spent at work and stroke risk in more than 140,000 adults, also revealed that working longer hours for 10 years or more increased stroke risk even more significantly: a 45 percent higher risk.

Are you routinely working long hours under the impression that it's "worth it" because of the money, status, promotion potential or some other perceived benefit? Considering this study, it's not worth the risk. It's time to clock out – before you suffer a stroke and clock out for good.

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