To Your Health
July, 2020 (Vol. 14, Issue 07)
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Cancer Loves When You Sit Around

By Editorial Staff

Unfortunately, the world is collectively spending more time sitting around these days, and as you might expect, COVID-19 is the culprit. When gyms, parks, athletic facilities close; when all but essential workers stay at home all day; and when constant media reports keep us glued to our proverbial seats (in modern terms, our cellphones, computers, etc.) – that all adds up to a lot of sitting and not a lot of moving.

That's the bad news. The even worse news is that the dreaded C word – cancer – absolutely loves when we sit around. If you need proof, look no further than a new study in JAMA Oncology in which researchers examined the relationship between sedentary behavior and cancer mortality.

sitting around - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Each study participant wore  hip accelerometer for seven straight days that measured daily physical activity patterns, including light-intensity and moderate-to-vigorous activity, and sedentary time (no activity). Just over 8,000 adults, ages 45 years and older, participated in the study, which found a clear association between sedentary time and risk of dying from cancer (more sedentary time = higher risk; less time = lower risk).

The authors' conclusion is all you need to get up from that chair, get off of that couch and start moving:  "These findings suggest that the total volume of sedentary behavior is a potential cancer mortality risk factor and support the public health message that adults should sit less and move more to promote longevity."