To Your Health
September, 2010 (Vol. 04, Issue 09)
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3 Days to Healthier Living

By Editorial Staff

To plan - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Day 1: Plan

While spontaneity is always a great way to shake things up, most people need a plan to improve their lives over the long term. Whether it's a one-week plan, a one-month plan, a one-year plan or longer, make a list of what you want (need) to make your life better, whether it's improving your eating habits, exercising more, pursuing a few new hobbies or just scheduling time off work.

set priority - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Day 2: Priority

Now that you've planned out what you want to do and how to do it, you need to prioritize things, because let's face it, your plan may not work out exactly to plan. If you've got a list of 10 things you want to get done in the next six months to improve your life, put them in order of importance, with the absolute necessities at the top of the list. Those are the "stick to them no matter what" items.

Day 3: project

project - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark This may be the most important day of your self-improvement cycle, because it encompasses two valuable strategies: treating your improvement plan as a work in progress (meaning you can't expect to get everything done all at once) and visualizing how life will be when you've stuck with your plan Make the time and also allow for time to accomplish everything you've set out to do.